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Our Services

Are you simply monitoring your health, when you could be effectively managing it?

Buddha Statue


"The Foundation"

BioDézyne is an innovative, personalized wellness program uniquely ‘dezyned’ specifically to your individualized genetic pre-disposition. Just like a GPS System in your car, through a series of testing, we can pinpoint exactly where the stress indicators are within your 11 Body Systems utilizing science-based body typing know as "Biochemical Individualism." You will understand what you should and should not be eating. Then, with the right nutrients, specific plant-based enzymes, and detox protocols, your body will start efficiently managing its resources as you get ready to embrace the "Healthiest You."    

Pebble Beach

Enzyme Therapy 

Enzymes are protein-rich molecules that are responsible for every chemical action and reaction that occurs within our collective body systems. There are approximately around 20,000 different
enzymes found in each human cell.


Colon Hydro-Therapy

Built up waste material remaining in the colon can cause us to feel ill, tired, or weak and impair the colon's ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria-produced vitamins. Colon Hydro-therapy is a safe, modest, and effective method for cleansing the colon of waste by repeated, gentle flushing with water.

Yoga at Home

Lymphatic Detoxification 

The lymphatic system affects every organ and cell in the body. When your lymphatic system's drainage becomes blocked, you cannot eliminate toxic material. It is the TRANSPORTATION highway for the immune system and repairs functions of the body! When functioning properly, it effectively cleanses the tissues, aids in cellular repair, and eliminates toxins. We have the most advanced equipment available in the market place today, the Lymph Star Pro Fusion.

Tranquility Spa

Our Infrared

Tranquility Spa

Meditation Class

Infrared Therapy 

Your skin is your largest elimination organ. When toxins are trapped on the inside of the body, one of the primary ways it escapes is through the process of sweating. Sweating is the body's safe and natural way to heal & stay healthy. Far Infrared heats the body directly, causing a rise in core temperature, which results in a deep, detoxifying release of sweat at the cellular level where toxins reside.

Calm Sea

Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST)

Is a gentle, noninvasive form of bodywork that addresses the bones of the head, spinal column, and sacrum. Soft-touch techniques are used to release restrictions in any tissues influencing the craniosacral system. CST is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, including chronic pain, muscular injures, and migraines.

Head Massage
Crania Sacral
Raindrop Therapy.jpg

Rejuvenate the mind ~ Balance the body

Essential Oils

Raindrop Therapy

This form of therapy includes eight blends of highly anti~microbial essential oils that are applied directly to the spine. Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) is then infused into the layering of the oils that soothe and calm the spine, creating relaxation for the body, particularly to the muscular and nervous system, thereby reducing stress and inflammation.

White Plants


Is a holistic practice that works to keep the body in balance and helps to activate the body's natural ability to heal itself. Reflexology uses an acupressure method on reflex points, located on certain areas of your hands and feet, to relieve stress, tension, aches, and pains, as well as restore the natural blood flow and circulation of energy throughout the body.

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