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Our Services

Are you simply monitoring your health, when you could be effectively managing it?

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BioChemical Individualism 
BioDézyne Wellness

Based on Dr. DicQie Fuller's work, BioChemical Individualism, also known as "body typing," is a nutritional tool we use to communicate more appropriate food choices for an individual. There are four BioChemical Types, each with its unique digestive needs and health concerns. Regardless of the type, the focus is healthier food choices and better digestion and elimination. This simple approach not only helps with weight loss but also supports healthy immune function, hormone balance and promotes longevity.


Enzyme Therapy 

Enzymes are protein-rich molecules that are responsible for every chemical action and reaction that occurs within our collective body systems. There are approximately around 20,000 different
enzymes found in each human cell.


Colon Hydro-Therapy

Built up waste material remaining in the colon can cause us to feel ill, tired, or weak and impair the colon's ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria-produced vitamins. Colon Hydro-therapy is a safe, modest, and effective method for cleansing the colon of waste by repeated, gentle flushing with water.

Yoga at Home

Lymphatic Detoxification 

The lymphatic system affects every organ and cell in the body. When your lymphatic system's drainage becomes blocked, you cannot eliminate toxic material. It is the TRANSPORTATION highway for the immune system and repairs functions of the body! When functioning properly, it effectively cleanses the tissues, aids in cellular repair, and eliminates toxins. We have the most advanced equipment available in the market place today, the Lymph Star Pro Fusion.

Tranquility Spa

Our Infrared

Tranquility Spa


Infrared Therapy 

Your skin is your largest elimination organ. When toxins are trapped on the inside of the body, one of the primary ways it escapes is through the process of sweating. Sweating is the body's safe and natural way to heal & stay healthy. Far Infrared heats the body directly, causing a rise in core temperature, which results in a deep, detoxifying release of sweat at the cellular level where toxins reside.

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